Bullying is Wrong!!!

Allot of people in middle school and high school are bullying kids way to much.
I cant stand when people bully other kids. When I say bully I don’t just mean being physical altercations just when I think of bullying I thing of taunting, teasing, calling names, physical altercations and cyber bullying. If a person does anyone of the types of bulling I named that is consider bullying. I also feel like teachers and parents are not doing enough to help these kids that are being bullied.

We need to stop letting our children get bullied. If child get’s bullied to the point they consider doing suicide that’s a problem. We as parents well im not a parent because im only 14 but, you all as parents need to check your childrens phone more offen to see if you child is bullying because that’s where kids feel like they can get away with stuff and that true! Children can definitely get away with cyber bullying because parents are not aware of what your child is doing. Think about this say one day your child is bullying a person online and one day your child will be walking home by their self and next thing you know there getting beat up because of the bullying they were doing online. Then you would have a problem and you would say “Why would you let them get away with beating my child up” well, you need to be more aware of what your child does. ITS CAUSE AND EFFECT GET. you can get used to your child getting beat up if you don’t stop this NOW!!

Your child needs to be aware of the things that can happen to them like one thing is your child needs to know that there is always somebody bigger than them and they can beat up there entire class but there will ALWAYS be somebody that will beat them up and to prevent all of this from happening we as the new generation need to be more aware!


Ok Let me get straight to the point Sleep. I feel as though we need it like some of us wake up at 6:30 and hurry and get up and dressed. Then they need to get on the bus just to get to school on time. The only reason that some people are going to sleep late is because they are up doing home work. Now don’t get me wrong  I know a lot of teenagers are up on their phones but some of them are really trying to get a good education and get good grades. To some kids that’s all they have. But, for me I need as much sleep as I can get so I can be up and alert in school just in case anything happens I can handle it and not try to fall asleep. How do you guys feel about sleep?